Friday, July 8, 2016

Tips to increase page views per visit of your website

In last month I had experienced to develop a website in which client give me the goal to increase page views per visit. He had social traffic and working on a CPM based network so it was important for him to get maximum page views. He had average 1.28 page views per visit and I had to make it at least 4. After completing this project i was able to manage 5.99 for social media traffic and 10+ for organic traffic.
"Number of page views per visit from social traffic is always less than organic traffic because these visitors tend to get for what they and then leave. Formula to calculate page views per visit is “total number of page views/total number of visitors”
Page views per visit indicates that whether your site have quality content and easy to navigate, or very dull. In SEO point of view increase in page views per visit indicates a better sign of site improvement.

How to Increase Page Views?

1) Interlink posts within the text

Whenever you start your new article review your own site to find some relevant posts and put them as anchor text in your article. Do not apply to many link otherwise google will be distracted from the original text. The best example of these types of website is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is the worlds most popular encyclopedia and it uses excellent internal linking.

2) Show related posts at the end of the post

Showing related posts should be an essential part of your website. But place is also important. Normally people show them into sidebar but it is beneficial if your posts have small content. The best place for related posts is at the end of the content. This placement will increase page views. If you are using WordPress then I will recommend WordPress related posts plugin.

3) Next , Previous and Random post links

Add next , previous post link after the post. This encourages visitors to see more pages. If your article is based upon just pictures and videos then best method is to float next, previous links as in the image bellow. It will increase page views and boost it up. I will write an article for adding fixed buttons stay updated.

4) Categories and Tags

Most of the users who visit your website comes for a specific niche so to give them an easy navigation add categories and tags link at the end of the article before related posts. It will make your site handy for users and increase page views.

5) Create a list of best and most popular articles

There are many methods to show popular articles. You can show them in a slider on the home page, in the sidebar or where ever you want. This will highlight your site content and user will click on it.

6) Create a series of article

Sometimes you wanted to write an article of 8000+ words, So it would be difficult for user to read whole article in one time. Try to break it in several parts and link whole series in the beginning of the article.


These tips will boost up your page views. Be aware that adding too many features to increase page views may increase page load time and according to google research 1 second delay in page load time can decrease 11% of your traffic

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