Nova Launcher Prime v2.3 Apk Terbaru - Nova Launcher Prime v2.3 Apk Terbaru
App Review Nova Launcher Prime v2.3 Apk Terbaru:
Nova Launcher Prime unlocks the following features in Nova Launcher:
Drawer Groups:
Folders in App Drawer
Unlimited custom tabs
Organize apps into tabs and folders in the app drawer
Quickly start Nova Actions or Apps from gestures on the desktop, such as pinching, swiping or two-finger swiping.
Hide Apps
Keep a clutter free drawer by hidding never used apps.
Dock Swipes
Get more use out of your dock apps by setting swipe-actions
Unread Counts
Never miss an email. Unread count badges for SMS, Missed calls and Gmail. Counts show in the dock, desktop, drawer and folders.
More Scroll Effects
(If Prime is not activating please try Nova Settings > Restart Nova Launcher or emailing me with your google order number and I can send you a code)
What’s in this version Nova Launcher Prime v2.3 Apk Terbaru :
- Fixed some licensing issues
- Updated Icon
- Updated text
- Added button to Nova Settings
Requires Android OS : 4.0 and up
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